Please keep an eye out for news or product update announcements on our website. Will NCAT convert today's data to the modernized NSRS (NATRF2022, NAPGD2022, etc.), once fully implemented? You should see transformed height under "Transformed Coordinate". Pick NGVD 29 from the dropdown and click submit. Towards the bottom of the screen you see an option to choose an input geopotential or vertical datum. Enter your latitude, longitude and orthometric height. Once the page comes up, please select horizontal+height from the top row. How can I convert an elevation measurement for my home based on mean sea level datum from 1929 to reflect a more recent datum? Please be sure to choose the horizontal+height option and enter a height. Is there something special that I have to do to get it to work?Īn ellipsoid height is needed for combined scale factor computation. I expect the NCAT output to have a combined scale factor, but it is missing. If you notice any discrepancies, please let us know. NCAT and VDatum share the same codebase and the results should be consistent between them. No, there is no batch mode for web service.Īre the results from NCAT and VDatum the same?

Is there a batch mode for the Web service or plans to implement one? Future versions of NCAT may support WGS84. If I have records from all over the world then which NAD 83 do I use in place of WGS84?įor now, you may use HTDP to transform WGS84 to NAD 83 first and use the transformed NAD 83 coordinates in NCAT. WGS84 is not an option in the conversion tool. What is the maximum file size that can be submitted to multipoint conversion?.